A well-structured, crisp and concise CV is crucial to your career progression as a nurse. If you can grab the attention of the employer by presenting your experience in a succinct yet engaging manner using linguistic flair, then you won’t have trouble landing a role!
In this guide we share our top 3 top tips for getting your CV noticed as a nurse.
1. Keywords are your best friend
Highlight your impressive range of experience by using keywords from the job description. This will flag your application as being a good match, regardless of whether it is read by a prospective employer or automated screening processor. We wouldn’t want your application being rejected for the sake of a few wrong words! Our top tip is to look for words frequently used in conjunction with the job role (for example ‘registered general nurse’). You can find this out by using an online tool such as CVScan, Resume Worded and Jobscan.
2. Be passionate!
As a nurse, you are going to spend all of your time interacting with people - so guess what? The hiring manager wants to see that you have strong interpersonal skills! Try and use positive adjectives like “caring”, “driven” and “resilient” to emphasise your compatibility with the role.
3. Don’t forget about formatting
We know it’s dull, the way your CV is formatted can completely make or break your chances of being selected for an interview. List your work experience with the most recent at the top and work your way down. Remember, you don’t need to list every job you’ve ever had since the age of 16 - keep it relevant! Organise using subheading to signpost each new role.
Need advice on the finished product? Our recruiters are highly experienced in the healthcare field and will be able to provide constructive feedback, as well as get your CV to the right people!
Give us a call today on 0203 929 4010 or visit our candidate support hub for further guidance.