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How to stay healthy as a busy nurse

Scarlette Isaac

Working long nursing shifts is tiring, and often means you don’t have a proper lunch break to stay nourished and energised. In this blog, our team shares 5 top tips for staying healthy as a busy nurse.

1. Avoid sugar

What goes up, must come down! Although sugar may offer a quick fix for low energy, it will also cause a rise and then a rapid fall in your blood glucose levels. Instead, try replacing sugary pick-me-ups with slow-release snacks such as bananas, oats, nuts and dark chocolate.

2. Easy meals

When you get home from a long shift, the last thing you want to do is follow a 100-step recipe with ingredients you’ve never even heard of. Plan your meals ahead of time so that you know what you’re having each night - or try meal prepping so you don’t even have to think about it! It’s also wise to choose dishes that are easy to make so you can enjoy your time off, rather than spending half of it chopping veg.

Check out BBC Good Food for inspiration - the 5-ingredient budget meal plan is a good place to start!

3. Don’t go overboard on the caffeine

OK, sometimes that extra espresso is needed to keep you going on a night shift but remember that moderation is key. Too much caffeine can actually leave you feeling more tired, as well as having the potential to cause anxiety and stomach upset…not ideal when you’re trying to deliver a baby.

4. Stay hydrated

Working as a nurse means always being on your feet and running around after other people. Amidst this chaos, it can be easy to forget to look after yourself on a basic level (for example, remembering to drink water!). Try bringing a water bottle to work that you can refill on the go - or have a glass of water every time you pass the water cooler. If you find it hard to drink enough water, add a touch of fruit to spice up the flavour.

5. Look after yourself

At the end of the day, you should be your number one priority. Looking after yourself means getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet and doing something at least once a day that makes you happy.

MCM Medical is a big advocate for the well-being of all healthcare staff - we hope this advice comes in handy.

For further career guidance, give our experienced consultants a call on 0203 929 4010.


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